There are many DIY Carpet Cleaning techniques that are truly effective, and if you have pets, smoke indoors, or live in an area where a lot of mud and dirt get tracked indoors, it is very likely you have tried a couple.
If you have wall-to-wall carpeting, it doesn’t take long for a dirty carpet to make your entire home smell dirty.
If you have little ones in the house, especially ones that are still crawling, it is especially important to keep your carpet as sanitary as possible… because the little ones want to put everything in their mouths. You want to be careful not to use harsh chemicals that make your little ones, and even your pets, sick.
There are several varieties of DIY recipes available that use baking soda and essential oils to not only brighten dingy carpets, but make them smell fresh and clean too.
Carpet cleaning also involves stain-removal, which can be a little tricky because while removing the stain, if you use the wrong ingredient, you can also remove the dye in the carpet. Again, baking soda works well if you catch the stain right away… borax powder mixed into the baking soda also works well if the stain has been sitting long enough to dry.
Another DIY alternative is to rent a steam cleaner and try to tackle the job yourself, and in many cases it is a good idea to have a steam cleaner handy for quick cleanup jobs.
The method most often recommended by carpet manufacturers is professional steam cleaning, which uses hot water and cleaning solution to remove stains and soiling. The hot water is then sucked back into the machine, along with any dirt that is in the carpet.
It is best to call in a professional for the steam cleaning method to be most effective, because the DIY steam cleaning machines do not get the water hot enough, for one thing… the other thing is that the professional machines are more powerful and will extract most of the water, and dirt and soil, from your carpeting. When the job is done, you want your carpet to be left as clean and dry as possible, and if your carpet is cleaned properly… by a professional carpet cleaner… your carpet should be left only slightly damp.
It is best to have your carpet professionally cleaned at least once a year, twice is best. However, if the cost is something you are concerned with, you may want to consider having your entire carpet cleaned once a year, and then only high traffic areas done once a year as well. This means that only the areas where there is a lot of traffic will be done, leaving all your big pieces of furniture in place.